Letter to Members 7/9/2023
We are looking forward to sharing another stellar summer season together at the West Beach Club. As in years past we will have the facility open during Memorial Day Weekend with limited service and full service will be provided on our opening day over Father's Day weekend- Friday June 14th and will remain open daily through Labor Day Weekend- closing on September 2nd. We have a great group of lifeguards joining us and a new team handling our children's programs.
We want to thank Christian Sears for all of his efforts last season transforming the energy at our Club. Christian will be around periodically this summer, however he has accepted another position at Cape Cod Academy (where he spends the rest of the year) which will limit his time at West Beach Club. Gary Norwood will be coming back and is prepared to have everything ready for our members and Charlie Weinstock (former head lifeguard) has graciously offered to assist until we can identify someone new to backfill Christian's position. We wish Christian well in his future endeavors.
As stated in our previous letter, for more than 100 years the WBC has been a place where our members, their families, and guests have created lasting memories. Our mission as your Board is to preserve that legacy while making incremental positive changes to our facilities and day to day operations for our members' benefit so that future generations are afforded the memories we have all experienced together. We owe an enormous amount of gratitude to our friends at HPCA who have overseen several capital improvements to our facilities - many of which cannot be seen. The new walkway will be complete and ready to use for this season and was a much needed repair. Thank you again to the team at HPCA.
Your Club is in a great financial situation and our nearly finished 2023 profit and loss statement will be reviewed at our annual meeting in August. Grateful to our current treasurer Tim Martin for overseeing our finances. We currently have almost $250,000 of cash on hand. Our soon to be finalized profit and loss statement will show a loss of ~$40,000 on revenue of ~$285,000; however that includes many one-time expenses that we do not anticipate incurring this calendar year such as $15,000 in kitchen equipment upgrades and $10,000 for chairs and umbrellas. We also had a substantial drop in initiation fees from $39,000 to $6,600 year-over-year. Given we raised dues last year our membership fees increased from $175,000 to $188,000. Important to note that in 2022 we had a substantial positive net operating income which more than offsets the losses incurred in 2023.
Given dues were raised last season and our overall current financial situation, we have decided not to raise dues for this season. 2024 dues are as follows:
2024 Season
Junior 26-31 (26 as of June 1)
Single: $220
Family: $270
Regular 32-64 (32 as of June 1)
Single: $450
Family: $715
Senior 65+ (65 as of June 1)
Single: $380
Family: $495
Bills will be emailed out tomorrow 5/24/24. We will now be offering members the opportunity to pay electronically this year (*note there will be an additional 3% processing fee for online payments. We will continue to accept payments via check for no additional fee). A link to the online payment platform will be included in tomorrow's emailed bills.
Anyone turning 26 before June 1st needs to reach out to Ali Peters via email at alyssapeters6@gmail.com to join in order to avoid initiation charges. Said a different way, if you join before turning 26 you avoid incurring any initiation charges. Ali is our unsung hero at West Beach Club handling questions from members, potential members, and guests and we are beyond thankful for all her hard work.
Please note that there will no longer be one- and two-week guest passes available. For new families who are interested in joining the West Beach Club, please reach out to Ali Peters to inquire about a one-time trial membership.
Guests are still allowed at the West Beach Club up to seven times per season, but they must be accompanied at all times by the member hosting them and they must be signed in by the member at the front desk.
Jason Siscoe and his team will be back operating the snack shack and plan to start a social media page to share specials to members. Jason and his team plan to make improvements to the WBC menu as well as being committed to having consistent hours of operation while being appropriately staffed. We continue to view our snack shack as a member service and believe Jason and his team provide a level of customer satisfaction consistent with the feedback we received from members.
We want to take a moment to thank Teel, Charlotte, and Emma who did a phenomenal job running the children's activities at the West Beach Club for the last several years. We are excited to welcome a new class of counselors to oversee the children's activities.
As a reminder we have established the following committees:
Summer Beach Party
Beach Boutique
Wednesday Dinners
Children's Activities Committee
If you are interested in volunteering for a committee please feel free to reach out to boardgovernance@westbeachclub.com.
Yoga at the West Beach Club will be back this summer. The details in terms of days and times are still being determined and will be announced and posted prior to the summer season.
The summer beach party will be Saturday August 3rd with the Beach Boutique being the day before on Friday August 2nd. The committee led by Dana Delorey and Ali Peters made several adjustments to the beach party which we felt made it a much safer and enjoyable experience for members. We will be reaching out to volunteers for clean up after the summer beach party.
Our merchandise remains a huge hit with members and guests and we look forward to offering great items for sale. If there is anything specific you would like to see please feel free to email the club.
This summer please ensure you sign in, and please sign in your guests. It is a vital process to ensure the WBC runs efficiently and effectively. We plan on enforcing this summer more so than in past years.
In the meantime we encourage you to visit our website www.westbeachclub.com (special thanks to Marina Reik for putting the website together) for more information.
Thank you,
West Beach Club Board
Catherine Dyroff
Noelle Hughes
Kate Lluberes
Tim Martin
Michael Olson
Ali Peters
Marina Reik
Max Reik
Jon Stein